Membership Options

Membership Fee

Below you will find the one-off annual payment for membership depending on which membership option you choose, either a Duty Member or a Non-Duty Member. All prices include batteries for the toys and we don't charge per toy. To encourage you to stay with us, when renewing your membership you will receive some discount off the membership fee!



Parent Help Pay

Non Parent Help

Full Year

$110 + 4 duties


Full Year Renew

$80 + 4duties


Half Year

$65 + 2 duties


Half Year Renew

$55+ 2 duties



Join Now

Let’s join! Click the Join Now button up the top of the webpage, fill in your details and you’ll receive an email from us. Come in to the library with your payment – either cash or pre-paid into our bank account (Bank: ASB,Number: 12-3072-0315347-02,Name: Northcote Toy Library, Reference: member’s name), a valid ID (NZ drivers license or any passport) and a letter of address, you’ll be ready to borrow toys!